This BLOG is designed to help people professionally and personally. On may occasions however, it will simply be a RANT about subjects that are of concern to me and the BLOG subscribers. We will discuss a plethora of subjects such a careers, business, politics, christian faith, marriage, raising children, trends or anything else we deem appropriate. I look forward to your input!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Lessons Learned From Tiger Woods-Is a New Norm Being Established?
Tiger’s situation is directly connected to a bigger problem in our country, the problem of overexposure to valueless behavior. Reality shows pay big money for people who can stir up chaos, people are doing anything they can to get negative exposure so that they can write a book or get a talk show and the concept of family as we know it is being destroyed by people who do not believe in it. Who would have ever thought in the 60’ and 70’s that we would need parent blocks on television sets? Who could have imagined that youth would use social networking and texting to communicate vial and deplorable messages to one another? If a parent shows up while they are communicating to their peers they type in “POS” (Parent Over Shoulder.) Ladies and gentleman we are heading down a path that one day we will all pay for if we do not wake up and do something about it. Yes, parents play a big role and are extremely important; however, I know of many good parents who have lost their children due to overexposure to crude behavior. Their diversion from family values is often derived from the expectations of their peers at school and in the community to “conform or be rejected.” This is a secondary problem that is emerging; many negative youth are driving societal behaviors and expectations. Excuse my terrible example but the “animals” are running the “farm.”
We need for as many people as possible to step up and become accountable. We rational, logical thinking adults can no longer stick our heads in the sand and say “it is somebody else’s responsibility.” I say this because the kid that is ignored today may be the same one who is robbing our homes tomorrow. We need for schools, communities, churches and organizations to collaborate around mentoring and inspiring our youth to greater heights. It is easy to look at them as a problem but it takes a strong person to see them for them for their potential, despite the problem. If we do not chose to go the path of optimism and work diligently towards collaborating around impacting our youth in a positive way, what Tiger, The Governor of South Carolina, The Governor of New York, The Pastor in Colorado and many others have done to destroy their families, will become the new norm. We are well on our way to this becoming a reality, but as a wise man once said “One person with courage is a majority.” Choose in 2010 to be that one person in your home, in your school and in your community. The world will be better off as a result of your efforts.
Please feel free to forward this Blog to any person or organization you feel would benefit from it. I encourage you to provide your thoughts and comments as well. It is my hope that this will be an on-going conversation that leads to positive outcomes.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Making Connections With People-The Bobby Principle
Most people are the opposite of Bobby. They are rushed, stressed, do not reach out to others, and speak to their chosen few. This is amazing when you consider the fact that many are business owners, sales people, etc. who could benefit from building relationships with others. Bobby's passion for people has definitely helped me to open up more for no other reason than to be a nicer person. As a business owner it is beneficial as well, because it expands your resource base. From a career standpoint, it can give you more options, because the more people you know, the more connections you have. I know people who never have to place a job application when they are looking for work, they simply have to pick up the phone and call one of their connections. If you are teacher, your students (and the students in other classes) will benefit from you knowing their name, as well as certain aspects of their lives. This might impact your school climate in a positive way.
The moral of this story is how many people are you connecting with? Are you building up a mental database of friends and connections? It is not necessary for you and I to become like Bobby, for he is certainly one of a kind. But you and I can learn from Bobby. By making connections, you are not only being a blessing to other people, one day those other people might just become a blessing to you!.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Educational Relevance is a By-Product of Dream Relevance
Educational relevance is a by-product of dream relevance. From my perspective, they cannot be mutually exclusive. I worked hard in the classroom because I was confident that I could achieve my dream. My children attended a tutorial program called Kumon that was heavily focused on math. 90% of the kids in the program my children attended were from India or parents were from India. I am sure that with India’s emphasis on math and sciences, Kumon kids have a dream of one day working in a technology field or some other field directly associated with math. Their dream is driving them to take this “Grilling”* related tutorial program on top of their regular course work. While many kids are outside playing after school, Kumon kids are pushing themselves academically.
If we want students to see school as relevant, we must help them capture and strategize a dream plan. I have been sharing the same message for close to two decades and I will continue to scream it from the mountaintop until academic and political leaders get it. We will never improve academics with a focus on instructional practices only; we must help kids connect their dreams to the importance of the classroom. Until then, we will continue to see our academic numbers slide in comparison to country’s like India who have helped their kids get a dream. Kumon kids work hard and I am sure it is directly connected to the fact that they have a picture in their minds of where this hard work is taking them.
As always, please contact the office toll-free at 1-866-426-2243 to discuss a passionate staff or in-service training, student assembly or parent motivation event.
* Grilling-A term describing the power of constant repetition to enhance academic retention.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Power and Example of Character Driven Leaders
Our country is in desperate need of leaders with character. Character driven adults provide an example that so many of our youth need to see in our schools and homes today. Adults who are willing to respect the opinions of others. Adults who exhibit self control. Adults who are willing to communicate with a child even if that child can be somewhat challenging. This shows that we are the bigger people.
The example established by this model, if implemented correctly, can change the negative environment that is steeped in many organizations and homes today. Let’s get over the paradigm of vitriol that has proliferated so many people. If you care for youth, we need to become the example of what we expect. This is, and always will be, the best way for youth to develop character.
If you are finding that your organization, school, business or home environment is impacted by pessimism, share this E-zine. Please feel free to forward it to someone you know who could benefit from this information. We cannot expect our youth to change if we do not change first. Please call the office toll free at 1-866-426-2243 if you would like to discuss a professional development program for your business or organization or life coaching (parents, managers, etc.) dealing with the power of character driven leadership. We offer coaching programs for individuals or group coaching for organizations.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It Can Be Done!
It does not matter if it is a workout; business plan or financial goal, personal accountability towards the goal is the only way you are going to stay with it. Your resolve has to be larger than your excuses. A goal without accountability is like a car without the wheels. You can have all of the ambition in the world, but you will go nowhere. The same process I have implemented for my workouts I am now applying to other areas of my life. I expect to see the same results in these areas as well.
When the New Year arrives, this time do not make a resolution, make a resolve. Your resolve to do something gets stronger the more you do it. We are often our own greatest hindrances so do not allow you to stop you! Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Once this mindset becomes a habit, you can and will achieve any realistic goal you set.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Takeaways From President Obama's Speech
All I can say is amazing! As a kid growing up in Syracuse, NY, I would have loved to hear my Presidents say the things that President Obama said today. Today I did not hear the heart of a President; I heard the heart of a father. When I listen to this President speak, this is what I often hear. I watched the eyes of children as they hung on to his every word. He spoke about the message I try to communicate to students and schools worldwide, find your sense of purpose in life and run with it. We are missing this critical element in education and he nailed it when he talked about Google and Facebook and what people will be saying about your legacy years from now. What a powerful message. Three keys I think that any student can derive from his message for the upcoming school year are:
-You have a responsibility to work hard and do you part. You nation is in need of your effort.
-You have a purpose in life. Find that purpose and realize the role education plays in it.
-Take control of your future. You can do it and we are behind you.
For all the negative naysayers out there, it is time to get over it. It is time for people to stop looking for ways to bash this President and find ways to help our country. Take all the energy that is being used to stop him and allow it to help others. When adults stop acting like kids and learn to work together to improve our country, maybe, just maybe, our kids will start to take us seriously. They watch television and listen to radio shows just like adults. They are tired of the division that has been created by us so called “mature” people. Our country needs a collaborative effort not a negative bifurcation. It is really time for change if we are going to improve our situation. If not, I am convinced that we will one day lose our position as a superpower.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Attitude+Aptitude is Everything
One must develop a thirst for learning, risk taking and most importantly humility, if they plan on achieving the goals they are setting out for. Aptitude is the missing ingredient in this new world of "microwave" success. One thing I realize about the microwave; however, is that it starts fast but it ends fast as well. Become a crock pot and let your wisdom and knowledge simmer in the pot. Once it all comes together, you will have a meal that is out of this world. You will also have a lot left over to share with others!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Importance of Daily Fitness
I will continue on this topic for a few days. I must say that I am proud of my wife Pam for becoming AFCA Certified as well as becoming Zumba Certified. She is now teaching fitness classes that will soon be packed out. If you would like to know more about her program visit her website at We are making family fitness a priority and I thank God for my wife's commitment to fitness.